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Recommendations for Health and Wellness

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What is The Well Kit?

The Well Kit is a Health, Wellness and Life Coaching business that is focused on helping normal people take their next step in their lives. From time management and relationships, to meal planning and self-care, I use proven methods based in behavior research to help you excel.

Get objective help, find new options, and take a HUGE leap forward. 


The Well Kit Coaching is:

  • An encouraging, empowering process

  • Present-focused (does not explore past trauma

  • Specific to your needs


Each Coaching Session includes:

  • Exploring how to utilize your strengths

  • Brainstorming

  • Co-creating a plan of attack


Click HERE to find out more about my prices, how to sign up, and what I offer!


Learn about ME and my health, wellness and life journey HERE. 

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Hey there. I'm Katie!


I’m an expert in public health education, love all things research, and my obsession is structured encouragement, AKA Coaching! Find out more of my story and why I believe in Coaching HERE.

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The Benefits of Coaching

Get out of your head, get into action

Grow, learn, and take action by working with a pro!

As a certified Health and Wellness Coach, and through my graduate Health and Wellness certificate program at USF, I have learned how to intertwine life coaching, wellness coaching, behavior change and positive psychology.  These different fields of research and approaches to health behavior work together to make our sessions powerful.

Grow on Purpose

Develop new skills and build confidence to seize the day!

My favorite part of Coaching is watching my clients growth journey. During our sessions we explore values, goals, and dreams. I have worked with clients to establish healthy boundaries in relationships, manage their time, develop student strategies, improve their emotional well-being, and take career steps, to name a few. I love seeing my clients grow and develop realistic, healthy behaviors that help them move toward their values.

Reach Your Goals

Receive the perfect mix of accountability and grace

As your Coach, I promise to look out for your good, to cheer for you, and to encourage you. The Well Kit is all about providing you with tools to succeed, build your self-efficacy (your self confidence and skills), and extend grace and flexibility.

As your Coach I will work to make sure each session is inspiring and that you leave with action steps to move forward.


Seeing a Coach has changed my life. Through Coaching I have created new long-lasting habits, improved my self-image, and perspective on life has changed to a more hopeful and joyful one. I want others to experience this life changing approach to goals!

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Book a free 20-minute consultation call

This 20 minute call will answer:

- Is Coaching a good fit for me?

- What package is best?

- How Coaching works

Thanks for submitting!

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"10/10 recommend working with Katie!! She is knowledgeable, compassionate and a great listener. I felt comfortable sharing anything//everything and she helped me see things in a new light. Katie was able to help me come up with realistic strategies for meeting my goals. Very excited to implement these strategies into my everyday life."


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