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Sign up for The Well Kit: Vision Reset Retreat


This year has been say the least

If this year put you in a tailspin, you are not alone. This retreat will provide a place for you to pause, decompress, and reflect on the highs and lows.  Make peace with the past and prepare forpresent and future goals.


Learn how to live out your values and priorities

Celebrate your successes and learn how to use your strength, experiences, and skills to thrive. I love helping my clients use their experiences and personality to creat sustainable habits and live out big ambitions.


Prepare to reflect, rest, and feel ready to live on your terms.

During this retreat, expect discussion, solo-activities, and guided exercises on top of super applicable information to apply to your life.

Learn more + Schedule: Features

Choose and Sign Up for a
Coaching Package

Take the next step in your life journey

The truth is...being a human is hard. Like...very hard. Between work, relationships, money, health, and everything else... it's not easy to balance.


Have you ever felt:

  • Exhausted 

  • Confused

  • Overwhelmed


OR have you ever felt:

  • Excited

  • Free

  • Passionate


Need help to achieve your goals in life? Review these BOMB packages and sign up! 


The Essential Kit



  • 1 Hour Long Coaching Session 

  • 1 Check-in  Via Text to Keep You on Track

The Well Kit



  • 2 One Hour Coaching Sessions 

  • 1 Scheduled 15-minute Laser-Coaching Phone Call

The Deluxe Well Kit



  • 3 1 hr Coaching Sessions

  • 1 Scheduled 30-minute Focused Video Coaching Session

Learn more + Schedule: Services

Beyond One-on-One Coaching


Free Online Content, Related Freebies and Guides





Goal-Specific Expertise

Access freebies, content and guides  based on content Coaching clients request the most. From developing self care, and a life vision to making the most of Coaching, these resources take your Coaching experience to the next level.

Each Coaching client recieves useful support and follow-up to help them stay on track. As your ally, I walk alongside you and help provide useful information and reminders through text, call, or mini-video sessions (see package descriptions).

I can't make you great coffee. But I can meet with you over coffee and come up with a great strategy to tackle your goals, head-on. I specialize in relationship, health and wellness, and time-management/life-management Coaching. I also know how to connect you to other experts so that you get the most traction during Coaching.

Learn more + Schedule: Services
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