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  • Writer's picturekatie french

Distracted while working? Here's one technique to focus.

Distracted while working? You may like the Pomodoro Method.

You can modify it, but the general concept is this:

⏰ set a timer.

⏰Totally focus on your task - no texting, no getting up, just focus!

⏰When your timer goes off, take a break! Get up, get water, go to the bathroom, text your friends back.

⏰Repeat this several cycles before taking a longer break.

Why I like this:

  • Gives you permission to have a break. So, so many of my clients mention alloting a TON of time to a task, but getting distracted so in the end...they have not accomplished their goal.

  • The brain can only retain so much. It's important to take breaks to prevent burn out.

  • It acknowledges the natural need for rest, and caring for yourself...but also of being diligent and focused while on a attention-focused task.

This is a simple and classic time management technique should definitely do this. THIS WEEK! Report back to me on how it goes!

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