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  • Writer's picturekatie french

My top tips to exercise consistently

My top tips for the person who wants to exercise, but also would rather be chilling on the couch:

Prepare for every little detail

Prepare your workout clothes for the week, and bring with you if you work out after work

Schedule exactly when, where and how you will exercise. This is great to include as your set weekly intentions/prepare for the week.

Retrain your attitude about exercise.

Keep a log on an app, your phone, or paper to re-frame exercise positively.

Example: "I loved proving to myself that I have the power to do hard things."

Change your perspective.

Begin to view exercise as self care, self- love, and personal improvement.

Example: "I love being able to connect with my body, care for myself, and nourish my body through movement."

Bring in encouragement by asking friends to help you.

Text your friends about your goals or text someone when you don't want to work out.

Example:"Help. I don't want to run today. But I need to. Remind me why I am doing this?!"

Learn that it is okay to "struggle"

They are meant to be hard. Barring a medical emergency/issue, embrace the "failure", because it is a sign of a great work out! your body will adjust overtime and you will begin to embrace the struggle because it's building you up.

Example: "Wow. I am super nervous about this class. I am going to go and try something new anyways. If I can't keep up, i will know i gave it my all, take a breather, and get right back to it! I can do this."

Change your habits.

Change your attitude.

Change your life!

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